At this time, South River Pediatrics is not administering the COVID-19 vaccine. If you are interested in having your child receive the vaccine please click here for a schedule with dates, times and clinic locations. Please visit the CDC website for additional information and vaccine sites. There is no additional information at this time and we will send out an update when our office plans to administer the COVID vaccine in the future.
We at South River Pediatrics are closely monitoring the current Coronavirus activity, as well as updates provided by the CDC. Our goal is to keep our patients healthy, which includes limiting exposure within the office and spread of the virus.
We are asking all families of patients who have recently traveled, have been exposed to someone who has recently traveled, or have been exposed to someone who is being tested for, or has Coronavirus to call our office for advisement before coming in. You will be screened both on the phone, and in the office with questions relating to travel and exposure.
We are also strongly encouraging families to bring as few people as possible to their visits, as well as avoiding the office for those pregnant or over 60, if possible. If you would prefer to stay in your car and wait until a room is available, please call our office when you arrive to “check-in.”
We, as a community, can all play a big role in helping to keep our families and others healthy and safe! Ensure all are washing their hands frequently. Keep hands away from face, including eyes, nose and mouth, if unwashed. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces. Avoid going to social events with more than 25 people. Cover your cough and stay home if you are ill. Avoid visiting a medical facility if you have had a fever or respiratory symptoms and have traveled or been exposed to COVID-19 or others that have traveled within the last 14 days, without calling the facility first. Avoid being around at-risk household members, family members, or friends (those with heart disease, lung disease, kidney disease, diabetes, immunocompromised, elderly, or pregnant) if you have had a fever or respiratory symptoms within the past 14 days.
We appreciate your patience and cooperation while we serve the needs of the children in our community during this challenging time.
For additional information about Coronavirus, we recommend the following resources:
CDC's Coronavirus Website - https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html
University of Maryland Coronavirus Website – https://www.medschool.umaryland.edu/news/coronavirus/
Johns Hopkins Medicine Coronavirus Website - https://hopkinsmedicine.org/coronavirus/
Anne Arundel County Health Department – https://aahealth.org/covid-19
Calvert County Health Department – https://www.calverthealth.org/healththreats/diseases/cvirus.htm
Queen Anne’s County Health Department - https://health.maryland.gov/qahealth/Pages/qacdoh-home.aspx